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1. NO Kos, NO Raid (RAIDOFFDEFENDER is Active!).
2. Please use ENGLISH in chat at all times. Whisper to the person in your chosen language if desired.
3. No Cheating, Exploiting, Griefing, Skybridging, Cutting off resources or constantly asking for resources!
4. Please DO NOT Build on the central Flax field!
5. If your crest runs out ADMINS will remove it. ADMINS are not here to restock crests!
6. Please treat ADMINS and PLAYERS with respect.
7. Please only plant trees in your own crest area.


Not complying with these rules may result in a ban at any given time.


Server restarts are 12:00am, 6:00am, 12:00pm and 6:00pm GMT Time.
Admins are: Fox, FoxCub, Wendigo, REOD ramon.

If there are any issues please report to and provide screenshots if possible!


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